
Immerse yourself in this zen moment and release all your stress with a relaxing massage.

Immerse yourself in this zen moment and release all your stress with a relaxing massage.

This massage focuses on the areas of greatest accumulated tension, so you can feel your body revitalized after a long and exhausting day at work. To complement this experience, you can opt for a skin cleansing or a reiki session.

Skin Cleansing will help you get rid of impurities and protect yourself, going beyond the daily care we should have with our face.

Reiki is a therapy based on the channeling of universal energy (rei) through the laying on of hands, with the aim of restoring the vital energy balance of the recipient and thus restoring the state of natural balance (whether emotional, physical or spiritual). ), which can eliminate diseases and promote health.

Finish with a ritual of red fruit tea and chocolates.

Gifts to live! visit body massage in gurgaon